It is your responsibility to make sure that your life safety equipment is regularly inspected and maintained by a content person. At Commfire we are here to help by eliminating this additional stress by offering a range of maintenance services which are all carried out to the required standards and carried out by certified and trained engineers

We also offer free charge access to customer portal which provides a cloud based history of your property/properties which can be viewed on any computer or smart device
historic engineer reports
asset service history
future maintenance due
view all quotation with the option to approve quotations direct from the portal
Copy invoices
At Commfire we have incorporated the services of Uptick to provide a modern asset maintenance software purpose-built for the fire protection industry.
The use of the Uptick software has transformed our operation at Commfire by improving on-time maintenance, asset recording, defect quotation, realtime job sheets sent direct from our engineers on completion of works.